Thursday, September 29, 2016

B is for Birds

This is the title of a community on Google+ with the most amazing and delightful bird photos and videos.  Anyone can join and enjoy.  This photo in particular caught my imagination.  The young girl, we discovered by using Google, is a member of the Yanomami tribe who live nearly isolated from the rest of the world on the Amazon.  Yet she allowed someone to photograph her, and this is the result.  I did her in colored pencil on Stonehenge.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

What I've been doing lately

The picture of Winston was done as part of a challenge by Lisa, the artist I support.  She asked us to draw/paint our studio assistant(s). I titled mine "Winston would rather take a walk."

I've finished a few others that I've not yet photographed, so those will have to get posted after a while.


To Be Free

Saturday, September 3, 2016